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coaching & consulting


rabbit kom forbi


rabbit kom til mig en sen eftermiddag, efter at jeg havde siddet i timevis og kigget ud ad vinduet i forsøget på at få sat nogle kreative tanker på papiret i forbindelse med en opgave for et større konsulenthus. 


Normalt flyder ord ud af mig. Brainstorm og ideer er aldrig et problem, tværtimod. Jeg får mange ideer, handler hurtigt og søsætter. Jeg når det hele.  


Pludselig 'stod' kaninen foran mig og sagde 'hello'!

I løbet af de næste dage, fandt jeg ud af, hvorfor den var kommet ind i min 'sfære'. (Den havde faktisk været der et godt stykke tid, - dog uden at jeg havde taget notits af det eller lagt synderlig betydning i det).



I de 10 år, jeg har arbejdet i min virksomhed, SCHEEL CPH, har kerneområdet handlet om at støtte mennesker i at komme videre med deres karriere. Frygten for at de ikke finder et nyt job, hvor de kan bruge deres kompetencer, har i langt de fleste tilfælde været et altoverskyggende element for dem, når de er blevet opsagt eller selv har sagt deres job op. 


Selve frygten og usikkerheden forsvinder, når de begynder at 'finde hjem til dem selv', får ro på tanker og følelser og begynder at se klart, hvad de gerne vil med deres jobliv og karriere, og hvad de har af kompetencer og ressourcer at tilbyde.



Med tiden har både ydelser, opgaver og kunder udviklet sig i min forretning. En stor del af mit fokus ligger nu i opgaven med at coache HR konsulenter til at være stærke karrierecoachingpartnere til deres organisations ledere og medarbejdere for at styrke deres karriere. Det er her, jeg føler, at jeg kan være med til at gøre den største forskel. 


Det er et stort priviligium, at hjælpe andre til at 'slippe frygten' og tro  sig selv og egne evner.


the rabbit symboliserer både transformation, potentiale, kreativitet, hurtighed og vækst, men også frygten for ikke at slå til. 

I nogle af symbolforklaringerne beskrives den indre rejse, som kaninen symboliserer, som væsentlig for at 'blomstre' i fuld flor.


Derfor hello rabbit.


Barbara Maegaard Scheel

a bit about rabbit



The rabbit symbolizes intuition, luck, and transformation. They are guides who can help individuals navigate their spiritual journey and connect with their inner wisdom.


In Japan, rabbits were used as a symbol of wisdom and cleverness.


They represents the abundant potential for growth and creation. Just as the earth awakens in spring, teeming with life, the rabbit's presence reminds us of the fertility within our souls, offering a reminder of the infinite possibilities that lie before us.


the rabbits aims to promote cultural awareness and a sense of caring for the natural world.



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rabbit stopped by


rabbit came to me one late afternoon, after I had been sitting for hours staring out the window trying to put some creative thoughts on paper for an assignment for a major consulting firm.


Normally, words flow out of me. Brainstorming and ideas are never a problem, quite the opposite. I get many ideas, act quickly, and launch. I accomplish everything.


Suddenly, the rabbit 'stood' in front of me and said 'hello'!

Over the next few days, I found out why it had entered my 'sphere'. (It had actually been there for quite some time, though I hadn’t noticed it or given it any significant meaning).


In the 10 years I have worked in my company, SCHEEL CPH, the core area has been about supporting people in advancing their careers. The fear that they won’t find a new job where they can use their skills has, in most cases, been an overwhelming element for them when they have been laid off or have resigned.


The fear and uncertainty disappear when they begin to 'find their way home', calm their thoughts and feelings, and start to see clearly what they want in their job and career, and what skills and resources they have to offer.


Over time, the services, tasks, and clients in my business have developed. A large part of my focus is on coaching HR consultants to be strong career coaching partners to their organization’s leaders and employees to strengthen their careers. This is where I feel I can make the greatest difference.


Being part of helping more people 'let go of the fear' and believe in themselves and their own abilities is a great privilege.


The rabbit symbolizes both transformation, potential, creativity, speed, and growth, but also the fear of not measuring up.


In some of the symbolic explanations, the inner journey that the rabbit symbolizes is described as essential to 'blooming' in full.


Therefore, hello rabbit.


Barbara Maegaard Scheel



hello rabbit - coaching & consulting

- helping People live the Dream of their Life & Companies Grow

+ 45 40502950


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